  • Registrazione


This is the definition of Safety Management System (SMS) according to ICAO:

“A system for the management of safety at aerodromes, including the organizational structure, responsibilities, procedures, processes and provisions for the implementation of aerodrome safety policies by an aerodrome operator, which provides for control of safety at, and the safe use of, the aerodrome”.

The principle objective of SMS is to prevent accidents.  This is possible through identification, evaluation, elimination or control of the so-called safety-related hazards up until it is considered acceptable and controllable. Hazards and risks are inherently connected with airport operations, therefore if  procedures are not carried out accurately this can result in an accident and or other inconveniences.  SMS is a dynamic tool that guarantees the supervision of security procedures and their constant improvement. 
One of the key points of Safety Management is to inform of any events occurred, whether it happened directly or indirectly to the airport operator.  Everyone who works at the airport must/has the right to inform even anonymously, if they have witnessed any event which or may have put in danger the security of an airplane, vehicle, the infrastructure or a person.  
The report can be made by filling out the GSR (Ground Safety Report) module and then send to . Aerdorica guarantees that all given information is not to search for or give indirectly the blame but to identify the lack of organization and the dynamic of the event reported in order to prevent further incidents.

You may contact for more information:

Safety Manager: M.Letizia Bernabeo

postal address: Aerdorica SpA - Safety Manager
Piazzale Sordoni
Aeroporto delle Marche Raffaello Sanzio
60015 Falconara M.ma (Ancona) - Italy

Ground safety report module